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  • admin 8:05 am on April 22, 2013 Permalink

    Boxing betting tips 

    Boxing is incredibly popular all over the world, no matter which country you go to you find both people who enjoy watching and taking part be it through practicing or actually fighting.

    Despite some people saying that the sport is too violent and encourages others that fighting is ok, many people who train in boxing gyms say that it helps them get rid of all their aggression and so helps them live happy balanced lives. (More …)

  • admin 4:40 am on April 2, 2013 Permalink

    Chael Sonnen comments make Velasquez laugh 

    Ultimate Fighting Championship or the UFC Heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez doesn’t like running his mouth before a fight, rather letting his fist do the talking inside the Octagon. And although he doesn’t do much trash talking himself, he is also not against the concept of winding up an opponent before a fight, especially if it is a big one. And like many people, he is fond of the antics of the American Gangster Chael Sonnen, who he claims, is his favorite smack talker.

    Speaking to FOX News, the Cuban American stated that if trash talking works for any fighter, then it is absolutely fine with him. He added that he thinks Sonnen uses smack talking in the funniest way possible before going on to mention he thinks it is absolutely hilarious how he goes about talking trash ahead of any match he is scheduled to participate in.

    Chael Sonnen has developed quite the reputation of being the biggest trash talker in the UFC, almost talking his way into a second UFC Middleweight Championship bout against the reigning champion Anderson Silva when there were contenders ranked far higher than him. And if it means insulting a fighter, he will do it but he does it in such a way that even an insult seems to be funny, especially if you are watching it from the sidelines.

    And ahead of the UFC Light Heavyweight Championship against Brazilian Jon Jones, the American is back to his trash talking best as he tried to wind up the soft spoken Bones into a verbal confrontation, succeeding somewhat was well.

    And Cain Velasquez, who defends the UFC Heavyweight Championship against Antonio Silva at UFC 160, the antics of Chael Sonnen is something that makes him laugh his heart out and that is something he really enjoys.

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